We are a powerhouse group of labor union women, femmes, and allies making a difference in the metropolitan D.C. area labor community. As a chapter of the Coalition of Labor Union Women we are proud to advocate for and advance issues impacting labor union women and femmes.
Join Us for the Gloria T. Johnson Awards Reception
The Metro DC Chapter of the Coalition of Labor Union Women is relaunching our Gloria T. Johnson Awards Reception on September 25! This is an opportunity to recognize phenomenal women and femmes in the DC area labor community who are fierce union leaders, organizers and activists.
🗓️ Wednesday, September 25
⏰ 6pm - 8pm
📍 CWA Headquarters
501 3rd St, NW, Washington DC
Special thanks to AFA-CWA for hosting us at the CWA Headquarters and AFGE District 14 as our printing sponsor!
Members in Action
Metro DC CLUW is part of a coalition of labor unions and worker activists organizing actions aimed at the DC Council to introduce and pass a ceasefire resolution in Gaza. We held our first picket on June 5, 2024.
Metro DC CLUW members showed up for our sister Tambra Jackson for her 5th Annual Women Appreciation Luncheon in March 2024.
Got questions about our chapter? Issues affecting women and femmes in the workplace that you think we should know about?
Drop us a line! Email us at hello@dccluw.org.